- History of the German EPA until 2020, including the latest legal regulations from the eHealth Act, the Digital Supply Act (DVG), the Appointment Service and Supply Act (TSVG) and the Patient Data Protection Act
- Transnational comparison of the draft of the (German) ePA with the implementations in other European countries in the categories:
- Infrastructure & health literacy of citizens in the comparison countries
- Legal requirements for the introduction of an ePA
- Technical, semantic and data protection framework
- Basic functions of the (planned) German EPA with other implementations
- Advanced functions and digital processes of the ePA
- Recording of patient and health data
- Infrastructure & health literacy of citizens in the comparison countries
- Research questions
i) Status quo of the German EPA
ii) How did the EPO introduction in other countries go?
iii) What can be learned from other countries/what should be avoided?
iv) Is the German EPO functionally state-of-the-art?
The German EPA (Electronic Health Record) is up to 100 times more expensive than in other European countries
As of 01.01.2021, only very few statutory health insurance companies in Germany will be able to offer their insured persons an ePA as provided for in the legislation of the Federal Minister of Health.
125 pages of the latest know-how on ePA, condensed knowledge from approx. 400 sources. A publication is planned.
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