Right on the last day of the semester I successfully completed the eHealth Master and defended my Master’s thesis on “The German EPA in European Comparison”.
My studies have thus been successfully completed, and this is already the second university degree after completing my studies in Business Informatics in Kiel (1998).
The eHealth Master in Flensburg is an interdisciplinary study program in business administration, health economics, computer science and medicine. Unfortunately, the chair of eHealth or the Institute for eHealth and Management in Health Care is currently understaffed after the departure of the founder, Prof. Dr. Trill in March 2018, the move of the head of the program, Prof. Dr. Breitschwerdt, to another UNI in 2019 and the departure of the experienced medical lecturer Dr. Gremmelt.
Nevertheless, it is time to say THANK YOU for the interesting and enriching time at the University of Applied Sciences Flensburg. For all those interested in studying, my recommendation is for the University of Applied Sciences Flensburg.
Thus the eHealth studies are currently one-sidedly business oriented with only one professor of business administration at the chair. I hope that a medical doctor will soon be appointed to the chair again and fill the course of studies with appropriate content.
The new professors of the Chair of Applied Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Ralf Lübben and Prof. Dr. Jan Gerken, enrich the curriculum in their fields and also supervise master theses on a representative basis.
My special thanks for this!
Thomas Hülse
Diploma in Business Informatics
& Master eHealth (in 2020)
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